function emptyField(objectX, msg){ if (objectX.value == "") { alert(msg); objectX.focus(); return false; } return true; } function checkRadio(obj, msg){ isSelected=0; for (i=0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (obj[i].checked) { isSelected=1; break; } } if(!isSelected) { alert(msg+"."); obj[0].focus(); return false; } return true; } function checkEmail(emailObj, msg){ if (emailObj.value.trim()==''){ if(msg==''){ alert(emailErrorMsg); } else{ alert(msg+"."); } emailObj.focus(); return false; } if (!validEmail(emailObj.value)) { alert(emailErrorMsg2); emailObj.focus(); return false; } return true; } function checkPsw(pswOjb, pswOjb2){ // FT | 20-01-2023 | modified and clean up the code. PRO-3219 - Implement Password Security Policy on Turbo Frontend var errorMsg = chkPSStrength(pswOjb.value.trim(), true); if (errorMsg.length > 0) { alert(errorMsg); return false; } if (pswOjb2.value.trim()==''){ alert(passwordErrorMsg); pswOjb2.focus(); return false; } if (pswOjb.value!=pswOjb2.value){ alert(passwordErrorMsg2); pswOjb.focus(); return false; } return true; }
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